Selasa, 20 November 2012

Deskripsi Kota Bukittinggi

First of all I would like to give an appreciation of the books written by the brothers. Zulqayyim is, at its option to describe the phenomenon of the history of a town inland Minangkabau in the past. City that we know a lot of play since the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese, even after Indonesia's independence. Kurai Feed developmental process that later became the city of Bukittinggi, the author, described the narrative very interesting to read. When I listened to the passages built by the author on page after page, I did not realize that I had reached the final paragraphs historical narrative, even as it "really enjoyed" I forgot that I had to leave reviews for this book. It certainly is one indication of the success of a disclosure history, in which the author, was able to invite readers to "get in" and enjoy the "tour" of the past.After realizing the moment the distraction research paper on this book, I re-read some of the items that is already dilalui.Saya start of the main ideas contained in the chapter-chapter exposition and related parts to the whole essay. When that feels that there is one question that bothers me, that is what I really want to explain the history of the city of Bukittinggi's exposure?. There are at least three fundamental tendencies that I think the author wanted to put forward in this book, first: the city in the process of formation of topographic aspect, morphological, and demographic, secondly, about the role of Bukittinggi in a variety of historical development at the macro level, and the three aspects of social changes and cultural implications of the changes that occur as the traditional social institutions villages into urban life.In writing history,

Selasa, 06 November 2012

Profil Sekolah

Saya sekolah di SMAN 1 Bukittinggi.
SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi adalah sekolah menengah atas tertua di kota Bukittinggi yang berdiri pada tanggal 23 Juli 1959. Sekolah ini terletak di jalan Syekh M. Jamil Jambek No. 36 (Lanbouw), kelurahan Pakan Kurai, Bukitinggi dan merupakan rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasionalyang dimulai sejak tahun 2006 dan termasuk 5 SMA R-SMABI pertama Di Indonesia.